Friday 21 November 2008

Jellyfish and Arrivederci

I found out today that yesterday's jellyfish were as a result of being caught in local fishermen's nets - they sort the catch at sea and anything unwanted is tossed over the side. Result: lots of dead jellyfish on Kovalam Beach.

Today was Alessandra's and Silvia's last day at SISP. Pity. I liked them and their English was good so I could converse with them. They were good for the school too - they were only here for two weeks but had many creative activities planned beforehand, had come prepared with materials, and were very kind and tolerant towards the kids. They came from the Italian organisation "aiutare i bambini" (Help Children). They gave the children a little party before leaving, there were speeches, and the dance group put on an energetic routine for them.

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